A spring update from Hospice Volunteers of Somerset County

Thank you all

On behalf of Hospice Volunteers of Somerset County welcome to our spring 2024 Newsletter. This year Hospice Volunteers of Somerset County (HVSC) enters its 35th year of providing services to the people of Somerset County and it is a time to celebrate all those who have given their time, talents, and energy to serve as board members, volunteers, and staff. Without you and the many businesses, towns, organizations, and donors this achievement of service would not be possible. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

Perhaps you have heard and remember the story of the Good Samaritan, who when coming upon a man lying in a ditch, stopped his journey to care for him. While others passed this man by as they journeyed on to care for their own needs, the Good Samaritan stopped his self-pursuits to serve the needs of his fellow man. Why did he stop to serve? What made him different from all the others who passed by? I believe that in seeing this man the Good Samaritan saw himself, and it broke his heart to think that he might be left lying in a ditch because no one stopped to help.

Need for volunteers

So, you can imagine how it my heart broke at our last board meeting when Amy said we have two people on our waiting list for a volunteer to go into their homes. We are actively seeking new volunteers to serve hospice clients in their homes, or nursing homes. For those interested in volunteering in other ways, families are often in need of transportation, meal preparation, taking care of pets, etc., and we can always use help at our community garden ceremony and lights to remember ceremony. If you or somebody you know are interested in volunteering or contact Amy at volunteer@hvosc.org.

We are in need of male volunteers…

Please consider giving a portion of your time and energy to be a volunteer, so no one must wait for our service? Men, it is time for you to step up to serve as a volunteer, we desperately need the loving kindness of men to be there for their fellow man. In our country today, there are only 17 hospice volunteer organizations left as larger for-profit organizations try to provide these services. Do you remember Paul Harvey? Harvey’s catchphrases included “In a moment… the rest of the story…,” and “Now you know… the rest of the story,” concluding his radio show with “Paul Harvey… Good day”. Please help us tell “the rest of the story” of the continuation of our next 35 years.

Help us unite to have a strong volunteer hospice organization providing loving kindness for our families, friends, neighbors, and community. When you do the generations to come will soon know…. the rest of the story.

Bill Primmerman,
Good day and thank you.